
oooooh! for a good treatment......

Tuesday 16 August 2011


How green is my valley!
Now the Farm is special! 
When I heard Naresh's story and how he ended up buying the place from the original owner, I was touched by his sincere revelation of the changes that he experienced from living an unaware life to one of conscious living . It was such a moving story.
I had heard of the Farm for many years during my stay in HK and Singapore but never had the opportunity to visit. So when Naresh invited me I took my son there to celebrate my birthday. Michael and Jennifer were fairly new managers of the place at that time and very very enthusiastic of the philosophy of The Farm. 
Despite my resolve not to go in for the invasives, I ended up under the hammer and succumbed to those delightful Philippino ladies who convinced me that a good thorough cleansing of my insides would definitely benefit my physical health. I couldnt say no. After all what was I here for ? Just to swim? So my son Zorawar and I looked at each other and gave that fatal nod. We went on cleansing juices, vegan organic food, colema, colon therapy, suppositories for refreshing the good bacteria, kidney cleansing, mud baths, massages, tia chi, pilates, etc. It was FAB!!! 
As Louise Hays says how can you ever clean a pot without making it murkier first???
The only area I felt they could strengthen was the area of emotional support. Cleansing at such a deep level can cause cathartic experiences for guests and we should have a good support system to nurture those vulnerable moments. Even a good meditation programme would be appropriate. Its quite harsh on the body if you are not used to invasive cleansing.
We spent five days there enjoying their fresh vegetable juices and the haute cuisine designed to make you lose weight.
On our way out of the Philippines we watched the crowds tucking into croissants and coffee and felt quite disgusted! We actually lost weight in five days and felt cleansed and purified from the insides.
Highly recommended......... let me know if you want to visit and we can get a group together.......

Yes thats me in a herbal bath with a banana leaf to cover me!!

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